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UWC Danmark Achievement Award

Winner_Achievement Award_2016

Modtager af Achievment Award 2016, Søren Djernæs (UWC Waterford Kahlamba) med UWC Danmarks formand Torkel Olrik (th.) samt awardens sponsorer, Elise Philip Sørensen og Iakob Schjerbeck (tv.)

Hvert år afholder UWC Danmark dimission for de nye danske studenter for at fejre deres præstationer og UWC oplevelser. Som en del af dimissionen bliver der hvert år uddelt UWC Danmark Achievement Award til en dansk elev, der har særligt udmærket sig i løbet af sine to år på en UWC skole.

De enkelte UWC skoler nominerer kandidater til Awarden blandt deres danske elever på baggrund af fire kategorier, som er uddybet nedenfor på engelsk, hvorefter UWC Danmarks bestyrelse tager den endelige beslutning.

There are four ways in which UWC Denmark will consider the student eligible to receive the award.

  1. The receiver of the UWC Denmark Achievement Award has made extraordinary efforts to strengthen the social environment at your UWC School. This extraordinary effort has meant that this student in particular has been a main component in uniting the students at your school. Through this effort within the social environment the student has contributed to strengthening the UWC spirit by seeing to that the student and his or her peers have formed friendships despite their cultural differences. The student has thus lived up to the UWC movement’s values of intercultural understanding and the celebration of difference.

  2. The receiver of the UWC Denmark Achievement Award has made an extraordinary effort within a social service of humanitarian character. This social service has either been started by the student or the student has made a significant contribution to the further development of the social service in question, throughout the student’s time at your UWC school. Through this effort the student has encouraged and lived up to the movement’s values of compassion and service and has been setting the personal example.

  3. The receiver of the UWC Denmark Achievement Award has distinguished him or herself within the academic field. The student has managed to achieve outstanding academic results without sacrificing his or hers participation in the social and humanitarian environment at the school. If the student is to receive the award based on academic results, these can thus not have been delivered at the expense of the student’s participation in the social and the voluntary service activities at your UWC School. If the student manages to embrace these aspects and at the same time deliver outstanding academic results, the student has lived up to the UWC movement’s values of personal challenge and has set the personal example.

  4. The receiver of the UWC Denmark Achievement Award has not necessarily excelled within one specific area. Instead the student has distinguished him or herself within a broad range of activities at your UWC school that you feel deserve recognition. Through these activities the student has embodied the UWC spirit and lived up to several of the UWC movement’s values including, but not limited to: intercultural understanding, the celebration of difference and personal challenge.